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XFuncs allows to use and insert external scripts completely compatible with xbase++ with ease inaccessible earlier. You can call from the program functions described in scripts as if they have been included in .exe file. Also all functions included in your program are callable from scripts.

What is a script?

Script is just text file. You can define functions inside it like in .prg file and this functions immediately accessible from your application or from another script.

Features of XFuncs:

100% compatible Xbase code, including a preprocessor (you can use as a script usual .prg file) and even class creation.

Very easy to implement to your program, just 1 line of code. more>

• For your program an function described in scripts do not differs from functions included in .exe file.

Easy replacement of functions from your program to function from a script, thats allows to make debugging or additional adjustment directly in the user office and by user. more>

• Very easy call to Main() in script. more>

Easy addition of a database of scripts - simply create a file with a name same as name of called function. You can even create this file in the nested directory - XFuncs will find it anyway! more>

To call to script function do not need to know exact filename of script file, it will be searched automaticaly.

• Diagnostics of an error in a script includes a name of file and line (plus source code of this line), allows to edit a bug with configurable editor and restart script without leaving from the program.

GUI and console mode ready.

you can easy call scripts from your application, call application from scripts or call scripts from scripts

Examples of use:

For creation of functions expanding opportunities of your program. Experts at the user side can change or supplement functionality of your program not demanding to send them the new version!

As replacement or addition to .ini files or registry. At the first start of the program is automatically started the script in which you can change settings of the program using a habitual way of programming, including logical statements, loops or even a powerful preprocessor.

For fast replacement at the user side functions in which errors are revealed or detected incomplete functionality - is not require recompile and relink the program and to send its to user - enough to send a small text file.


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